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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

St. Augustine Tour Guides Trials & Tribulations: Self Guided Tours

St. Augustine Tour Guides Trials & Tribulations: Self Guided Tours: "I'd like to know from all of you how you feel about all the self guided tours coming through town. If we as Tour Guides have to be licenced ..."

Self Guided Tours

I'd like to know from all of you how you feel about all the self guided tours coming through town.
If we as Tour Guides have to be licenced by the city to give tours it seems to me that every one of those
un-licenced School teachers need to go through the same testing as we did. Not to talk about the money they're taking out of our mouths.Just think about it I know 2 weeks ago I saw 3 buses with nothing but there teachers leading out of control kids. what type of education did those kids get??? I bet nothing but a bag full of junk and a hell of a sugar high.

Monday, November 29, 2010

St. Augustine Tour Guides Trials & Tribulations: New Paranormal Tour

St. Augustine Tour Guides Trials & Tribulations: New Paranormal Tour: "We have started a new paranormal tour at the Spanish military hospital. This is a 90 min investigation using the same tools as well you know..."

New Paranormal Tour

We have started a new paranormal tour at the Spanish military hospital. This is a 90 min investigation using the same tools as well you know who. So come join us on a paranormal investigation new tour starting

untold story of st augustine

I just started reading the untold story of St Augustine and what a bunch of crooks ran this town in the beginning. Talk about some travesty caused by the powers to be.