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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Followup on Death of a Govenor

This is in the time period of 1655-1657.

So After the Death of Governor Benito Ruid Salazer And two other pro tem who all the sudden come up dead??

There’s is Meeting of certain officials of the Garrison and guess what there all related and they decide's that good ol Don Pedro Ruitinez is the best man for the governorship.

This is a statement from an anonymous letter to the king.

Governor Don Pedro Ruitinez – Who intimidates the people and squanders the money sent for their support-The Treasurer a partner in the illegality, and the judge receives hush money-This Governor maltreated an official who is also a solder and a conveyor of monies and goods for this port from Havana, for his Majesty – Traffic in amber from the Indians – Taking the iron and implements sent to be used in repairing the fort as money to purchase amber. Declares he will consult his own pleasure concerning the laws of the Church, taking communion once in one and one-half years. A distressing condition of mismanagement. So this goes on until the uprising of the Indian chiefs in 1657 who march to St Augustine and you'll never guess what they did as the letter to the King say.
Because of his insistence on their carring heavy loads of corn into the settlement, when they the Indians, had vassals to perform such labor they hung the Governor. there's a lesson for ya

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